Wednesday, September 30, 2009

October 1st - World Vegetarian Day!

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Okay my favorite day of the year, just kdding. Although I am a partial Vegetarian, is there such a thing? I don't know. I would say I don't eat red meat only but I also don't eat pork, well sort of. I do eat hot dogs and bacon! It is a taste thing for me and I love my vegetables.
Let's face it, brownies and chips could be vegetarian! :)

On a more serious note, World Vegetarian Day encourages us all to eat our vegetables and fruits. Countless studies have proven that a diet filled with fruits and vegetables is good for our health. Vegetarians, have taken this path either for their health, or from a conviction that they should not eat, and therefore, kill animals.
A vegetarian, by definition, eats no meat. That includes fish and other forms of seafood.
Their diet consists of plants....fruits and vegetables.

So, why not, there are some great produce deals out there! I picked up some great fruits and we are going to start our day with a fruit smoothie, pastry and a fresh fruit tray.
For lunch, we are going to have my "weekly" steamed vegetable pot.
It consists of carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, corn and potatoes. Of course my little ones like their with ranch dressing, but as long as they eat it, I say.
We are going to eat Eggplant Parmesean for dinner with garlic bread and salad.
Dessert is going to be our sugar cookies.

World Vegetarian Day is a good day to try a vegetarian diet.
You might just be surprised at how good it tastes, too.

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