Pharmacies do tend to over-price their stuff, however they also have awesome sales prices on items you probably use the most, to draw you in. Just stick to your list and you will save in your pocketbook. Every week there is at least 1 item that you can get free at each pharmacy when pairing it with the right coupon! Here is this weeks freebies!
Please note for printable coupons if you can't find it, that means the print limit has been reached as these coupons have been posted about before.
Dove Men Deodorant 2/$4
-$2 printable HERE
Final Price: FREE
Applied Nutrition Anti Aging Total Body Defense 50-ct $10
-$10 RR
Final Price, FREE
PediaCare Infant Drops $5.99
-$5 with insert coupon
Final Price, FREE
Select Vicks products $4.99 (with insert coupon)
-$10 RR when you spend $20 on Vicks - monthly deal
-$4 from 2/27 PG - if Vicks Sinex is included
Final Price, FREE with profit!
Subscribe now to keep up with all the postings of freebies, coupons, discounts, and fun!

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