Saturday, March 12, 2011

Pics From My Stockpile

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Okay, I get this question a lot...Do you stockpile? The answer is yes I do. Do I have ridiculous amounts of stockpile that my family could possibly never go through? NO. Well, maybe my bathroom cleaner and Rotel, but that is about all.

So, here are some pics of my stockpile. My extra grocery items and some cleaning supplies. I'll share more next week.

My Vegas Mommy


  1. For some stuff, yes, I totally see the point of stockpiling. But other stuff... doesn't it go bad? We buy our salad dressing one bottle at a time, and it still expires before we can finish it! Do you donate the stuff that is about to expire, or are you able to go through it all?

  2. wow! your bathroom must be really clean!
    I have some of those too, what deal did you have on the srubbly bubbly with blue tops? did you get lots of that $2 coupon?

  3. First, yes, you can't stockpile everything....but a lot of items can be freezed too. Like, did you know that you could freeze deli meat? I just figured that one out a few months ago...and trust me, it is perfectly fine. Most salad dressings, for example, have a best buy date or better if used by date, that doens't mean taht it is expired. Check the company's website or give them a call too. Also, there are 4 adults in my house and we eat a lot of salad. Ken's Honey Mustard is my fav so when I can get that $4.99 bottle for $0.17 - I stocked up. We just did a deal, so I am fully stocked too. I only have 2 that actually are passed the "best by date". The rest a good until the end of the year. Honestly, I am sure we will eat them all. For other things that get close to expiring, of course I donate. If I feel like I won't use them I give it away. Thankfully, I know LOADS of moms....I am President of Mothers of Multiples (twins and triplets) here in Vegas. Last year I had 180 boxes of cereal, because I used codes to pay for a Toy Story 3 bday party at the movies for my twins...$450 party. Anyways, I gave 100 away to other families and if you were at my Jan class...I still had some boxes that will be reaching "Best by date" this month or April, so I gave the rest away taht we wouldn't eat in time. But, then again it is a "best buy" date, but I still have more cereal.... I never let things go to waste!!!!

    I wish my bathroom was that clean, but even with the automatic shower thing from scrubbing bubbles it is need to have someone using all that cleaner....LOL!!! I kind of have a lifetime supply, but I do have 4 bathrooms to clean. :)
    The blue tops came around last year, I got at Vons as part of a Catalina deal and coupons, I believe they were $2.00/1. They are just Mega foamers.



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